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 ABT6ARS/ABT6ARSF - BiasT /w 10Mhz Reference   
 This small and efficient unit includes 10MHz reference and provides DC supply to a BUC (DC power supply separate) in case a modem cannot supply sufficient power or doesn't provide BUC power at all. This BiasT comes with the power source switch.
Power Supplies and Bias Tees  /  Indoor   Manufacturer: Actox
Availability:  Contact Us
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ACLU011 / ACLU011R

 ACLU011 / ACLU011R - Universal LNB / LNA Redundancy Controller   

This unit features:

Ku, C, Ka or X-Band source 1:1 redundant system

Monitor and control the status of LNBs / LNAs via built-in RS-232/485/422

Operate in automatic or changeover mode

Display status information of unit in the receive chains

Manual and automatic operation of the receive chains

Visual indications of the “on line” chain for recieve systems

Visual indication (latching) of chain alarms

Remote M&C of chain changeover and unit funtions via RS-232/485/422 built in. TSP/IP Ethernet interface (optional)

LNB / LNA power supply voltage regulation and current fault protection

Internal switchable high stability (10-8) 10MHz reference (optional)

Suitable for multi L.O. LNBs, passes 22KHz tone

LNB / LNA RB temperature monitoring

Redundancy  /  Outdoor   Manufacturer: Actox
Availability:  Contact Us
Price:  Contact Us
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